Rebranding Project of BPR DMG (Dana Multi Guna)


Aiming to change the way they presented themselves to the world and reconnect with their member, approached us to work on their visual identity. Created a fresh, new brand for BPR DMG that has heritage colors to exist in society. Also extended the brand to a collateral system and in-office merchandising. The unique selling points are easy, fast, and family. So, we create tagline “Simple.Flexible” to accompany logo visual. While staying true to BPR DMG’s style and color, we developed a brand new aesthetic, redesigning business card, envelope, polo shirt, uniform, brochure and website.


Client: BPR DMG
Business Analyst: Suryati Veronika
Designer: Wihinggil Prayogi, Thufeil Maulana, Fransica Yovanda Muliawan